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[J] [机巧少女Unbreakable Machine-Doll][VOL.2][海冬レイジ](联翻完整版) attachment agree  ...234 好过冇名 2010-11-11 11:54 6120557 数手指 2013-10-23 13:38
[J] JOJO 两篇 attachment 浔箐 2013-3-13 12:56 02274 浔箐 2013-10-22 16:17
[J] 机巧少女1-8 +10 2013-10-22 attachment zbszsr 2010-10-7 13:35 112062 浔箐 2013-10-22 15:59
[J] 【机伤同萌】机巧少女不会受伤第八卷Facing Lady Justice 重新放下载 自我检讨 attachment agree  ...2 超级菜鸟/tp 2012-9-27 14:06 2810790 i77014 2013-10-19 18:33
[J] [自翻][裕时悠示]夹在我女友和青梅竹马间的各种修罗场Vol.6[TXT&插图] attachment digest agree  ...23456..7 heiman_lau 2013-3-8 02:07 13318254 a9210125858 2013-10-13 22:58
[J] 【轻国联翻】加速世界6 净火之神子 attachment agree  ...234 轻之国度日翻组 2010-11-19 01:32 6529517 孤街狂少 2013-10-11 18:33
[J] [联合翻译]金色年华 第二卷 回答是YES[TXT&插图DOC&插图包] attachment agree  ...23 轻之国度日翻组 2011-6-10 01:05 5314330 yanjuechen 2013-10-9 22:48
[J] [联合翻译]金色年华 第三卷 假面舞会[TXT&插图DOC&插图包] attachment  ...2 轻之国度日翻组 2011-10-25 22:30 2810555 ander0212 2013-10-8 19:25
[J] 剑神之继承者[鏡遊][自翻/简][TXT&DOC&插图] attachment digest agree  ...2 wujiaao 2012-7-23 08:13 2511488 眼中钉 2013-10-6 00:24
[J] [电击文库] 加速世界 01 [川原礫] [自翻] 81楼追加SoIN的润色DOC版 attachment digest agree  ...23456..9 乙烯 2009-6-15 11:46 17747905 madless 2013-10-1 23:47
[J] 金色年华[竹宫ゆゆこ][第4卷][联合翻译/简][TXT] attachment agree  ...2 轻之国度日翻组 2012-7-6 13:30 268609 anyuediguo 2013-10-1 15:49
[J] 机巧少女不会受伤[海冬レイジ][第10卷][机伤同萌/简][日志&TXT&DOC&插图] attachment  ...2 信至 2013-4-3 01:33 3314735 anyuediguo 2013-10-1 15:45
[J] 境界线上的地平线1-3 上 2013-9-29 attachment zbszsr 2011-9-27 08:09 08467 zbszsr 2013-9-29 12:05
[J] 夹在我女友和青梅竹马间的各种修罗场1-6.5 2013-9-26 attachment agree zbszsr 2011-11-20 09:17 112329 浔箐 2013-9-26 14:10
[J] 机巧魔神[三云岳斗][第14卷][自翻/简体][TXT&DOC&插图] attachment digest agree fleelancer 2012-12-25 11:00 114073 greendays 2013-9-19 13:37
[J] [澄空文学社][桥本纺]掬光(ひかりをすくう)[全一卷] attachment agree 澄空文学社 2013-9-13 22:45 12403 fchgj 2013-9-14 01:55
[J] [自翻][裕時悠示]夹在我女友和青梅竹马间的各种修罗场Vol.1[TXT&DOC&插图] attachment digest agree  ...23456..8 awedcvgyujm 2011-8-14 06:33 14832687 ander0212 2013-9-11 21:50
[J] 君吻 01 - 星乃结美篇 [日暮茶坊][台/简] [TXT&DOC] attachment digest agree  ...2345 glshiliu 2007-12-26 13:10 8515873 kf1984 2013-9-9 23:45
[J] [富士见文库][八街步]降临于我与她之夜4 ~The Party~牺牲狂者[txt&插图] attach_img xiangjin 2013-7-5 20:27 33308 turn2141 2013-8-29 19:05
[J] [富士见文库][八街步]降临于我与她之夜5~Lunatic Ruler~征讨狂滥之人[插图&txt] attach_img xiangjin 2013-7-5 20:33 12897 seh123 2013-8-29 17:06
[J] 加速世界11绝硬之狼[川原砾][台/简繁][txt&插图] attachment digest agree  ...2 蕾娜·赛亚斯 2012-12-29 17:21 298722 D-逆袭 2013-8-28 15:15
[J] 加速世界[川原 砾][9][台/简繁][txt&插图] attachment digest agree 蕾娜·赛亚斯 2012-7-17 22:38 136562 D-逆袭 2013-8-28 12:53
[J] [初心翻译小组]机巧少女不会受伤3[海冬レイジ][小组翻译/简]【仅有DOC】 attachment  ...23 wangsha24 2010-11-29 23:24 5820594 神之领域1351 2013-8-28 12:22
[J] 青春纪行4表里不一 don't look back[竹宫ゆゆこ][台/简繁][txt&插图] attachment digest agree 蕾娜·赛亚斯 2012-12-14 18:44 85141 ander0212 2013-8-27 22:41
[J] 精灵使的剑舞07 最强的剑舞姬 [台简] [txt&插图] attachment digest agree 桜の舞う青空 2013-6-11 20:26 25315 wuyu112233 2013-8-24 14:25
[J] [海冬零儿][机巧少女不会受伤][第3卷][台/简]吃完姐姐吃妹妹 attachment digest agree 夜の星痕 2012-8-27 10:10 108113 风/漠 2013-8-15 19:41
[J] 加速世界 2 红色暴风公主[川原砾][台/简][TXT&DOC&插图] attachment digest agree  ...234 七夜 2009-12-11 08:12 6022222 single星空 2013-8-13 11:17
[J] 惊爆危机ANOTHER2[大黑尚人][台/简繁][txt&插图] attachment digest agree 蕾娜·赛亚斯 2013-7-13 20:29 42685 qway 2013-8-11 21:29
[J] [川原砾][加速世界][第5卷][星影浮桥][台/简/繁] attachment digest agree  ...23 夜の星痕 2011-1-19 13:24 4823028 qqphy330 2013-8-10 12:09
[J] 绝对服从女孩。 1.听好了,不可以使用魔眼哦?[春日秋人][01][自翻][txt&epub] attachment digest agree 铃音 2013-8-7 20:54 02787 铃音 2013-8-7 20:54
[J] [轻国联翻] 加速世界 12 赤之纹章 (TXT&插图) attachment agree  ...23456..12 轻之国度日翻组 2012-9-3 20:16 23031814 z粽子z 2013-8-6 21:35
[J] 鸠子与我的爱情喜剧2[铃木大辅][台/简繁][txt&插图] attachment digest agree 蕾娜·赛亚斯 2013-6-29 21:16 114021 kang793 2013-8-2 19:43
[J] 姬宫学姊的内在美 01 [月见草平][台/简][TXT繁簡&DOC插圖版] attachment digest  ...23456..8 蓝天语意 2008-6-18 17:31 14926865 q82684422 2013-7-30 16:12
[J] 今天开始变魔王19——掌舵启航 返回魔的故乡 attachment  ...2 夏亚夜 2009-2-9 17:30 359958 Mr_Zking 2013-7-29 10:56
[J] 剑神之继承者Ⅳ[鏡遊][自翻/简][TXT&DOC&插图] attachment digest agree wujiaao 2013-6-9 21:53 175562 johnsonfa 2013-7-27 19:26
[J] 就算是哥哥,有爱就没问题了,对吧 3[txt&插图] attachment digest agree  ...2 阳子ようこ 2012-8-19 00:45 319073 wangwenbin 2013-7-27 13:54
[J] 寄生彼女砂奈2[砂义出云][台/简繁][txt&插图] attachment digest agree 蕾娜·赛亚斯 2013-6-16 22:24 33487 kang793 2013-7-27 10:27
[J] [筑地俊彦][家庭游戏][第3卷][台/简] [txt&插画] attach_img digest agree rea@per 2013-7-8 01:01 12265 lokiju9988 2013-7-24 00:18
[J] [筑地俊彦][家庭游戏][第2卷][台/简][txt&插画] attachment digest agree rea@per 2013-7-7 22:56 02258 rea@per 2013-7-24 00:18
[J] [志瑞祐] 精灵使的剑舞10 魔王觉醒[联翻/简][txt/DOC&插图] attachment agree  ...2 goldapple 2013-3-22 18:36 3610544 727430469 2013-7-22 10:44
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